Sunday, March 2, 2008

"The Cycle" wrapped!

Just wrapped on Joe Dietrich's "The Cycle"! What an experience!

First thing to know - the original shooting schedule was planned for a leisure-filled four days. Then on the eve of production, our lead actor Enrico called us to let us know that he was last minute booked for a major paying gig (a Hepatitis Commercial) on our last two days and would be completely unavailable. Since he's practically in every shot - we had to accommodate to his schedule and jam pack our four days into two.

The shoot was incredibly fast paced, but smooth. I had to compact my shot list significantly, combining two, and even sometimes three, shots into one. We had plenty of hands on set to build and breakdown camera setups and very professional equipment to work with.

Both days of shooting were fifteen hour days - each starting at 6:30 am. Here's me, three hours after the film wrapped.

A rundown of our days. First we shot with a Zeus Crane from Chapman and Leonard. This Crane was professional (22 ft)- and we had a pro come out to make sure no one killed themselves using it. The guys name was David, and his screen credits included the first two Pirates of the Caribbeans. He was awesome. I don't have any photos of that just yet - but I'm working on it. Joe might have some over on his blog.

Once we got our shots with the Crane, I insisted on doing one shot completely improvised on the spot, which Joe allowed. We got the shot in one take - and it was amazing!

Then, when the crane was wrapped - we moved to the front lawn/driveway to do all our exterior shots. We set up our dolly track, and got some pretty gorgeous movements. The natural light from the early morning sun was all we needed.

We then moved inside to start our interior kitchen shots. These were heavily modified, due to Joe changing the scenes blocking. A few of my shots went out the window - but it was not a problem - as we quickly improvised to make new ones while Enrico rehearsed and our Professional gaffer Andy took care of things.

All the lighting was artificial to mimic sunlight (thanks to some cloudy weather). And on monitor, as you can see above - we were pretty successful. Everyone on set worked hard and did a great job. After the kitchen, we got a few shots of coverage in the house and called it a day.

Day TWO started off bright and early - and we immediately moved into the bedroom and shot those sequences. Once again, the lighting was crucial here - so Andy worked closely with me to make sure everything looked spot on.

Craig (first AD) poses with the dream setup.

The scene in the bedroom was amazing fun - because Reid and I got to make full uses of the Petroff Follow-focus. In one shot (using an 85mm lens) we racked to 10 different (and specific) focus points during dialogue.

We ate lunch, then got back to work shooting a myriad of disjointed coverage based on ease of location setup. Things started to get rolling until....

OUR GENERATOR BROKE. I dont know why, or what happened - but essentially Andy called five different contacts to get everything fixed but nothing was working. We sat for an hour without being able to shoot a single thing before the solution was found. We tied the generator into the houses electrical supply - and WALA! Everything was fixed. We were back on track.

We went on to shoot for another four hours before finally getting to our last shot of the film. It was an emotional one, that involved crying. We all had the set quiet down and we rolled sound and camera - waiting until our actor was ready to make his entrance and perform. After four takes, we finally nailed it.

Champaign was served on set to everyone on cast and crew - and we all had a huge toast to the film's completion.

I had never been on a Crane before, or operated a Super PeeWee 2 dolly, or worked with hydrolic lifts, or shot digital direct to a hard drive.....I mean the entire shoot was one large first experience. I was given complete and total freedom and creativity - with all the toys I could ever want to shoot with. I was working with professionals, so in turn, I felt like a professional.

But at the end of the day it was about friends, and how we all stick together to achieve a common goal. Without that, this film would have never existed.